Saturday, April 21, 2012


Edit:  I wrote this a long time ago and decided to post it just for our records.  I wish it would have posted with the original date though.  Argh.

This was a huge week for our progress with Mirei.  We didnt do a great job with her sleep training and kept hoping that because she has Taisei that she would somehow sleep train herself.  We hoped she would simply learn to soothe herself, or at least rely on Taisei and learn to sleep.  Neither things really happened.  That's partly good and partly bad.  Finally, we had to put Taisei downstairs to sleep by himself in the office.  Funny thing was he happily did it.  He was so fed up with Mirei screwing around before bedtime that he was happy to get some peace and quiet.  It was kind of a pain, but Mirei finally got used to sleeping by herself.  The funny thing is that she doesn't care whether Taisei's in the room with her or not.  She's not scared.  She's just unwilling to go to bed.  We had to go through patiently listening to all her excuses, listening to her bang on the door (since she hasn't slept in the crib since 8 months, remember?), and all kinds of the typical stuff before she finally realized that we're serious.  Then, she finally did it.  It's not consistent every night, but she'll go to bed after one or two times of soothing, usually.  If she's tired, she'll just go right to bed.  The good thing now is that she's finally learned to understand when she feels tired and sometimes she'll even tell us.  She'll say, "I'm tired, papa."  And I'll say "You're tired, Mirei?"  "Yeah."  "Do you want to go to bed?"  "No."  At least she's totally honest.


Aaron and Emily said...

Boy, Mirei's sleeping sounds just like Adele's. We actually put Samuel to bed an hour before Adele (or a half hour), so he can fall asleep before she goes in there. Or else we have mayhem! (Samuel gets too excited). He's usually asleep VERY quickly. She goes in there... and stays up... who knows how long. At least she doesn't wake him up. Even if she's quiet, she's just UP and we have to go in there and tell her to go to sleep. As much as sleep training DOES make a difference in our boys, I can say that some kids are just VERY resistant to sleep!

Esther said...

Oh that's funny that Taisei was so fed up with Mirei that he was happy to sleep downstairs. I wondered why you moved Taisei downstairs, then moved him back upstairs.

I still remember when Adele was little, she started to say, while yawning, "Mommy, I'm tired," and then realized that Am would put her to bed, and tried to backtrack. It was pretty funny because she was so little.