Saturday, January 14, 2012

Injury Report

Week of January 8th.

Monday, Mirei fell down almost all the way down the stairs.  She was sitting on nearly the top step, and according to her re-enactment for us, fell forward and then rolled sideways until her head hit the railing.  Her account was verified by both one eye-witness, Taisei, and by the bruise on her forehead.

Tuesday, Taisei was walking up the stairs in his pajamas that are too big, and at the top of the stairs fell over backwards!  He stepped on the pajamas and as he tried to stand up straight, the pajama pants pulled him backwards off balance.  He luckily missed Mirei who was on his right behind him.  Unfortunately, with all his weight behind it, his head went right into a corner on the main supporting railing.  That was a scary moment.  Wami walked in just as it happened and saw his head ricochet.  He had a HUGE, 1/2" by 2" bump on the upper back part of his head.  It was a bit scary.

Yesterday, Mirei ran diagonally across her futon and jumped (or possibly tripped?) face-first right into the wall.  Yep, that hurt.  I have no idea what she was thinking on that one.  I was sitting right there next to her when it happened.

Tonight, Mirei was running around with her latest Chipmunks McDonald's Happy Meal toy and jumped (or tripped) onto her futon bed, with her eye ramming into the toy in her hand.  When she went to bed, she had a big welt above and below her eye.  When she closes her right eye, you can actually see the line going over her eyelid.  Yikes.  Lucky she blinked.  Again, another scary moment.

This really is only the major stuff.  Most of the more minor incidents that happen nearly every few moments it seems, was not included.  For example, Mirei probably has 2-3 head bumps on cabinets, door frames, hallways, and just the plain ground each day.  Anyway, welcome to our world.  And to think we have a newborn that we're trying to protect at every second of the way.


Lon Dee said...

You may want to keep your kids out of public view for a while. Otherwise, you might get arrested for suspected abuse.

Esther said...

Oh, poor kids! You're going to have to put a helmet on Mirei. Or add a "wallpaper" of pillows.

I'm curious what it looks like when a two year old does a reenactment of falling down the stairs.

Aaron and Emily said...

That reenactment does sound funny! That girl... no fear, huh?

Speaking of that newborn... are we going to get to see more pictures of her?