Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Poor Mirei

There's a reason they say younger siblings are tough.  They get abused by their older siblings!  Taisei has gotten Mirei real good on two occasions now.  The saving grace is that we could tell Taisei felt really bad both times.

The first time, when Mirei was only a month or two old (ie really really small).  She was in her bouncer and mama was in the kitchen.  Taisei wanted to be a big brother pushing his sister in a makeshift stroller (which was really the bouncer at a 45 degree angle).  You can see where this is going.  All we know is when Wami ran back to find out why the hysterical crying, Mirei was face-down on the wood floor.  Yep, she fell straight forward and out of the bouncer onto her face.  Ouch.  Taisei was no where to be seen.  He ran off and was hiding in a corner.  I guess he got a little bit of a break for being 3 at the time.

Taisei's a rough-and-tumble kind of kid.  Definitely a boy-boy.  Some other parents can't stand it and probably think we're bad parents.  He definitely plays better with bigger, older BOYS.  Girls can't stand him when he gets into his boy mode.  (He's smart enough to do origami or draw with the girls.)  Yesterday, Taisei was running wild through the house with a 4" long, die-cast metal toy semi-truck in his hand.  We're still not sure how it happened, but we know he was running towards her and either he swung it and it went loose, or he threw it.  It hit Mirei right in the face.  When I got home from work, she had several large welts on her face.  Needless to say, I was not happy.  I'll just leave it at that, but I think he's learned his lesson on playing rough around Mirei, ...until he forgets again, that is.

In general, Mirei makes a big deal about some things, but not about getting knocked around.  Taisei will sit on her, fall on her, mess with her, and often times, she laughs!  It's amazing, and definitely not like most of the girls that Taisei is friends with (all of whom are oldest siblings).  We'll see if Mirei turns into a Barbie girl, or a tom boy in a few more years.


Esther said...

Awwhh. I was worried when I saw that headline. I still remember when you dropped me and I threw up and had to get x-rays but I also remember when I threw a dart and it stuck in your face ... neither of us intentionally hurt the other but sometimes it happens ... good thing we made it to adulthood okay.

Jerin said...

Hm... I gave you a concussion, huh? Sorry... I vaguely remember that. I need to get the story again.

Aaron and Emily said...

What?! I don't remember that happening.

I do notice that Adele can play with dolls, but she can also get really rough with Samuel. Although, now that he is getting bigger, sometimes he can get rough too. Did you think Taisei and Adele played rough or gentle together?