Friday, May 27, 2011

5.2 and 1.5

One time, I posted about Taisei being a little walking disaster.  I obviously didn't have anything to compare to.  Taisei's troublemaking would be like getting slapped in the face once or twice, and Mirei's would be like getting punched in the gut over and over and over again until you have to finally give up.  At random times during meals, for the last several weeks, Mirei will just swipe everything onto the ground.  This can be miso soup, drinks, spaghetti, whatever.  It happens in restaurants and at home.  On the same day, she blew up her lunch and dinner, got into a jar of Vaseline and scooped out half of it while we weren't paying attention, and sent a stool crashing down the stairs into all the picture frames we had sitting there ready to hang.  In general, it seems like she finds ways to cause as much trouble as she possibly can and it scares the heck out of us.  Still not sure how much of it is intentional.

We're really racking our brains hard to understand why she's misbehaving and reacting so differently from Taisei.  For one thing, we do know that she understand far more than Taisei did at this same age.  He was probably 2 and a half - a full year older - before he could understand and talk like Mirei does.  But despite the mental development, she's way less mature than a 2.5 year old, obviously, so the reasoning and discipline has be approached differently from our side. She's still grasping at actions and consequences.  More than likely, they just have totally different personalities.

So it seems like we're going though dramatic stages with her.  For a while, she was seriously injury prone.  She would fall or find some other way to smack her head 2-3 times a day.  I was afraid to let her out of my sight.  Now she's naughty prone, generally wreaking havoc wherever she goes, intentionally.  We're afraid to let her handle things.  I have to add that even though she's such a hand full, she's still the cutest thing ever to us.  Just extremely 調皮.  I sure hope we're about to get a less stressful phase soon.

Mirei still loves food.  That's still the way we get her to quiet down when she's fussing.  She's not as good of an eater now though.  She insists on eating herself, but you never know if that food is going to come flying back at your face or off the side of the table, where Hiro is ever patiently waiting.

She loooves birds.  She's always looking for them, and exclaims "chi-chi" when she sees them.

She talks a whole bunch.  We're amazed that we can pretty much explain to her what she should do, and, if properly incentivized (food), always seems to know what we're saying.  She'll often repeat the proper responses back most of the time.

She does this thing where anytime she's on her chest and belly, she'll lift her legs up in the air.  No matter what time and place, she'll do it.  She's into working her back muscles?  Who knows.  But it cracks us up.

She has to do everything Taisei does.  But because of this, she has no fear.  If he goes down a giant slide, she has to go.  If he jumps off of something, she has to jump.  We have to constantly remind Taisei not to let her see him do certain things.


Taisei's doing well.  He's sloooowly growing out of his childhood shyness.  He now enjoys saying thank you and other polite words to strangers.  He'll talk to adults now all the time, where he would never do this when he was a little younger.  We're going to start signing him up for lessons and sports.  In particular, I want him to learn how to swim while he's still young.  Ironically, he hates swimming, whereas I loved it when I was his age.  Now, I don't enjoy it much.  I wonder if I negatively influenced him.  He's signed up for soccer in the summer.  I'm guessing he'll be not-too-big, but quick and agile like his dad one day, so sports like gymnastics and martial arts might be good for the long run.  I'm sure he'll never get fat, with the way he's so incredibly picky about food still.

One great piece of news.  He likes sashimi now!!  Here he is with his own meal.

He's developed an allergy towards guinea pigs.  As far as we can tell, it's just that animal.  He's played with rabbits, chicks, cats and dogs with no problems.  The reaction has happened now happened 3 times.  It's too bad cuz he loves those animals.

Uh oh...

Rash already developing on his face.  Check out Mirei.

Immediately following.

Time to get home.  He couldn't open his eyes eventually.  Luckily, Wami was carrying some Benedryl, which alleviated it almost immediately at this point.

On some occasions, Taisei has allergic reactions towards seafood too.  It seems to be either shrimp or crab, but we haven't isolated it for sure.  And it definitely doesn't happen every time.  The great thing is that he loves seafood too much to give it up because of some mild hives.  Last Christmas in San Jose, he insisted on eating crab for the third night in a row, once time even while he had some hives on his body.  Luckily, he's only had one mild reactions since and we're still eating seafood all the time, including shrimp and crab.

Taisei and Shinkansen (Thunderbird)


We had checkups yesterday for the kids.  Taisei's less of a little guy than before.  38.0 lbs is 50%.  43.4" tall is also 50%.  Mirei, on the other hand, seems to be getting proportionally smaller at 18 months:  20.1 lbs is 10%, 30" tall is 25%, and 47.0" head circumference is also 25%.  I wonder if any of these stats have any bearing on the future.  I'm guessing probably not much.