It seems to us like Mirei has an advanced comprehension. These are little anecdotes from the last 24 hours.
Today, Mirei grabbed one of Wami's cute USB memory sticks and knew what to do with it. She plugged it into the USB port on the front of the computer. Then, she pointed to the monitor immediately after that. So not only did she understand the mechanical connection, but to some extent, the significance of plugging a device into the computer.
Yesterday night, Wami pointed out the stars in the sky, Mirei nodded and pointed down at the necklace she was wearing, which was a Mardi Gras type necklace with stars mixed in. So she understand the symbolic meaning of the star and its connection with the lights in the sky.
Yesterday evening, Wami told Mirei that in the morning she would be going over to Erika's place because mama had to go to a doctors appointment. Right away, she asked "Taisei wa?" ("What about Taisei?") When mama told her it would be just her, she broke into tears. It breaks my heart to see her do her sad cry. But yet so cute. :)
There are now several games Mirei can actually play on the iPhone. I recommend My First Puzzle for the really little ones. She's been able to completely operate it by herself since I showed her about a month ago.
There's one more funny thing she does often, including today. She was naughty and grabbed one of the Lego structures that Taisei was building. This is something that will greatly upset Taisei every time. So Wami told her to go to her red chair, which she knows is her time-out spot. With a happy face, she happily responded "Ii yo!" ("OK!") and proceeded to go to the other room to sit on her chair. She'll sit there til she's bored or we tell her it's OK to come back. When Taisei's in his timeout, Mirei will go to Taisei and tell him "Ii yo!" ("OK, you can get up now!") We have to tell her that only Mama and Papa are allowed to release Taisei from timeout. Silly girl.
Last funny for now is she copies people when no one's looking. She'll often have one of Taisei's reading books open and be mumbling to herself, turning the page from time to time. Lately, she holds up Wami's flashcards used for teaching a Japanese class, and flips them one at a time, mumbling some words like she's teaching something.
This is right after Taisei got out of class.
Taisei's such a good boy. Each morning, he neatly folds his pajamas after he gets up. Wami always tells me I need to be more like him.
Brother and sister.
I'll get more on Taisei next time when it's not so late at night.
Today, Mirei grabbed one of Wami's cute USB memory sticks and knew what to do with it. She plugged it into the USB port on the front of the computer. Then, she pointed to the monitor immediately after that. So not only did she understand the mechanical connection, but to some extent, the significance of plugging a device into the computer.
Yesterday night, Wami pointed out the stars in the sky, Mirei nodded and pointed down at the necklace she was wearing, which was a Mardi Gras type necklace with stars mixed in. So she understand the symbolic meaning of the star and its connection with the lights in the sky.
Yesterday evening, Wami told Mirei that in the morning she would be going over to Erika's place because mama had to go to a doctors appointment. Right away, she asked "Taisei wa?" ("What about Taisei?") When mama told her it would be just her, she broke into tears. It breaks my heart to see her do her sad cry. But yet so cute. :)
There are now several games Mirei can actually play on the iPhone. I recommend My First Puzzle for the really little ones. She's been able to completely operate it by herself since I showed her about a month ago.
There's one more funny thing she does often, including today. She was naughty and grabbed one of the Lego structures that Taisei was building. This is something that will greatly upset Taisei every time. So Wami told her to go to her red chair, which she knows is her time-out spot. With a happy face, she happily responded "Ii yo!" ("OK!") and proceeded to go to the other room to sit on her chair. She'll sit there til she's bored or we tell her it's OK to come back. When Taisei's in his timeout, Mirei will go to Taisei and tell him "Ii yo!" ("OK, you can get up now!") We have to tell her that only Mama and Papa are allowed to release Taisei from timeout. Silly girl.
Last funny for now is she copies people when no one's looking. She'll often have one of Taisei's reading books open and be mumbling to herself, turning the page from time to time. Lately, she holds up Wami's flashcards used for teaching a Japanese class, and flips them one at a time, mumbling some words like she's teaching something.
This is right after Taisei got out of class.
Taisei's such a good boy. Each morning, he neatly folds his pajamas after he gets up. Wami always tells me I need to be more like him.
Brother and sister.
I'll get more on Taisei next time when it's not so late at night.