Mirei's a little person now. She's always been a good communicator, blabbing on the phone and asking for food. She still likes to blab on the phone and ask for food. Now, she'll stick her finger in food and taste it, and then ask for more. We have to try to get it on film. It's funny. Tonight, after she finished her own dinner, she stuck her finger in mama's taco soup, and decided she wanted some. She then proceeded to out-eat Taisei. She insists on feeding herself. Wami stuck skewed pieces of Japanese hamburger (hambaagu), also part of tonight's dinner, on a fork, and she was happy to eat a lot in that fashion.
When Taisei whoops and hollers (as boys constantly do), Mirei tries to follow along. She screams when he screams. She runs around when he runs around. It's fun to see the two of them play together.
By the way, ever since Mirei went kamikaze out of her crib, she's been sleeping on the "big girl's bed." Now, she doesn't freak out if she wakes in the night, the way she did in the crib. It's been less stressful and although she'll fuss and not go to sleep sometimes, she'll always eventually return to the bed and sleep on it. Only once did we find her sleeping on the floor next to the door with carpet pattern embedded on her face. haha. So it's working out. And a record should be noted: Last night, Mirei slept 11 straight hours. 8 pm to 7:30 am.
Taisei's been kind of going through a phase where he's pushing our limits. It's obvious that he wants our attention more as Mirei grows into a little person. When she's held, he wants to be held. When she's getting attention, he wants attention. Maybe I made the mistake of purposely giving him extra while Mirei was still young, and now he's not liking to share time. He's gotten into a habit of ignoring us. Whether it's on purpose or not, we're not sure. He can easily not hear us talking to him, especially if he's preoccupied. And he always seems to be preoccupied. I'm not sure how to grab back his attention. Any ideas would be appreciated.
It's probably time to start Taisei on piano, violin, gymnastics, karate, and soccer. That should occupy his time a little better. He's slowing learning to read both English and Japanese hiragana. His Japanese speaking is still very good. He's also hooked on TV and iPhone games. :( Bad. Recently, he stopped enjoying going to football and basketball games with me. Probably a little too long for a young kid. I'll have to find ways to make it fun again. In his spare time, he loves crafts the most, whether it's drawing, cutting, or taping. He also like his legos and various other building toys. He absolutely can not stand going shopping - especially Costco. Most of the time, he would rather stay home. It's pretty funny. I thought most kids like to go out, but it really depends what it is with Taisei.
Anyway, both kids are growing fast! More to come...
Just prior to the break:
Credit to JustHimandHer.com